Our freedom to source and access food has never been more important. Now with corporate land ownership, GMO produce, foreign food imports, over regulation, farm viability collapse and rising food costs, the future of food production and choices in Australia is uncertain.

Defending Our Human Right to Food

What is Food Security

Food security is an issue we all need to be concerned about.
Self-reliant communities free to grow, harvest, supply, exchange, barter or share food without restriction, have a better chance of surviving an environment of escalating food costs, foreign imports and economic or environmental destruction of a region’s farming base. It’s also about ensuring food remains accessible and available during natural disasters, economic collapse or widespread poverty.

This is about future proofing the food supply system for the people, focusing at a local and regional level so that everyone can get involved. Food shall be available for people, pets and livestock. The production of food to be unrestricted and moral forms of labour to be utilised by farmers.

Why Food Security is Important

The Food Security Proclamation is a single page, lawful document, that embodies the rights of the people by their declaration for the protection of food production, supply and distribution in the region. The lawful effect of this document is further secured by the endorsement of growers, farmers, and suppliers, right down to the local fruit shop.
It is a Food Security Proclamation by the people for the people, which ensures supply can’t be hijacked or subject to controlling forces to the detriment of all who reside in your region and local area.

By adopting this Proclamation you will help STOP interference, to protect how we grow, harvest, supply, exchange, barter or share food that we currently source naturally.

Click the link above, fill in your details, print your copy of the Food Security Proclamation and sign it.

How Does it Protect our access and ability to source food?

We are entering an era of mass Digital Surveillance where Governments no longer serve the people, and Global Corporations have their own plans for food and how it is produced. The threat to our food security is now real. However this threat can be challenged with a collective voice and people power that upholds the values of the Food Security Proclamation. The document provides the ability to assert lawful resistance where fundamental human rights are at risk or declared values are being compromised.    

Explore Ways You can Support food security in Your Local Area and Region

Click the images below to open the file for printing or downloading.

Download these free promotional flyers and help others support Food Security in your region!

Connect with Food Security Proclamation on Facebook

Post your food security story, proclamation signing photos, or business support video on Facebook.com, and join the discussion in the safety of this private Facebook group.
All signatories to the Proclamation are approved access. Get on board today!