
Food Security is Now an Issue We all Need to be Concerned About!
Food Security Proclamation Summary
Food security is about how the community creates a strong and maintainable food system that supports the fundamental human right to access affordable, nutritious food. Self-reliant communities free to grow, harvest, supply, exchange, barter or share food without restriction, have a better chance of surviving an environment of escalating food costs, foreign imports and economic or environmental destruction of a region’s farming base. It’s also about ensuring food remains accessible and available during natural disasters, economic collapse or widespread poverty. This is about future proofing the food supply system for the people. The Food Security Proclamation is a single page lawful document that embodies the rights of the people by their declaration for the protection of food production, supply and distribution in the region. The lawful effect of this document is further secured by the endorsement of growers, farmers, and suppliers, all the way down the supply chain to the local fruit shop or farmer. It is a Food Security Proclamation by the people for the people, which ensures supply can’t be hijacked or subject to controlling forces to the detriment of all who reside or pay rates in the local area. Any threat to the future food security of the region can then be met with a collective voice and people power that upholds the values declared in the Food Security Proclamation. The document provides the ability to assert lawful resistance where fundamental human rights are at risk or declared values are being compromised.
The Food Security Proclamation is summarised by five main principles:
  1. People are free to grow their own food on any land, food is defined to include animals and livestock
  2. Ensure availability and access to fresh, uncontaminated food sources without interference from government and foreign NGO’s
  3. Support existing food systems for healthy, clean food and Australian native foods and natural medicines
  4. Food shall be available for people, pets and livestock. The production of food to be unrestricted and moral forms of labour utilised by farmers, extending to the provision of accommodation if needed.
  5. Uphold responsible use of the land and protection from foreign landholder exploitation and contamination of resources.
Further endorsement encouraged
It would be desirable but not essential, for the proclamation to be endorsed by key public servants in the local council and Government departments related to food.  Nevertheless, the proclamation provides a space at the bottom left for endorsement by any authority, State or Federal Minister or prominent individual.  Ideally an endorsement will include the signature of the person endorsing your document – along with their logo or official stamp. A photo to evidence their endorsement should also be encouraged. If possible, obtain their permission to upload the photo to the Food Security Proclamation Facebook page (coming soon).
Lodgement Database
It is presumed that all registered Proclamation signatories have personally autographed their Proclamation to evidence the participation of each person in this collective declaration of the lawful right of the people. This information will be kept private and will not be shared. However, should evidence of your signed Proclamation be required at any time, you must be prepared to do all things necessary to give effect to this requirement. This may include:
  1. your name only, being displayed on a list of signatories for your area or region,
  2. your local area or region being represented as the lawful collective of signatories to the Proclamation,
  3. exercising your fundamental right to protect or uphold food security when challenged, in a similar manner to petitions either online or in writing by mail (name and email only).
Staying Connected
By your adoption of the Food Security Proclamation, the email address you submitted will allow you to receive updates and news about Food Security issues that are essential and important. You will also be able to comment on the Facebook page or similar media platform when it becomes available.