What Will Damage Food Security?

Food Security is an Issue We all Need to be Concerned About.

Now that you know the importance of maintaining existing food sources and supply both locally & regionally, you also need to know what to look out for in terms of attacks upon food security.

The Five Principles of the Food Security Proclamation, and your current understanding for existing food sources and supply, will provide you with the guidelines for awareness.

The Food Security Proclamation is summarised by five main principles:
  1. People are free to grow their own food on any suitable land, food is defined to include animals and livestock.
  2. Ensure availability and access to fresh, uncontaminated food sources without interference from government and foreign NGO’s.
  3. Support existing food systems for healthy, clean food and Australian native foods and natural medicines.
  4. Food shall be available for people, pets and livestock. The production of food to be unrestricted and moral forms of labour utilised by farmers, extending to the provision of accommodation if needed.
  5. Uphold responsible use of the land and protection from foreign landholder exploitation and contamination of resources.
Notice Proposed Changes

Any changes to existing food systems or restrictions on access, will most likely get your attention now that your awareness has now been increased.  For a brief summary, things we should be concerned about damaging negative effect upon food sources and supply, where the following events are publicised or occur, for example:

  • Bio security threats publicised by Government without hard evidence – bees, cattle, chickens
  • Increased regulations upon rural land owners – taxes, land use, mining, wind farms, development
  • Laws that impinge upon your fundamental right to access or grow food.
  • Control over seed banks and the removal of Heirloom Seeds from the market
  • Mandates that lock down shops but allow supermarkets to stay open.
  • Governments taking over Farmers Markets or dictating opening hours, food supply etc
  • Banks foreclosing on producing farms, or overburdening farmers with debt.
  • Mandated treatment of livestock with toxic chemicals and vaccines that enter the food chain.
  • Climate change agenda that blames cows for damaging the environment by farting.
  • Registrations, certifications and inspection processes that give authority to Government, corporation or appointed body. For example: registration of bee hives, milk products, organic farms etc.
What other events or situations have you experienced that you could add to this list?



One response to “What Will Damage Food Security?”

  1. admin Avatar

    Changes to the payment rates for casual workers on farms from per-bucket to per-hour. It has made the workers less motivated to fill the required number of buckets within a days work, thus destroyed productivity.

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